Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
Academic Senate met on November 16 for what was the second to last time during the Fall semester, discussed was ways to donate to the community, the redistricting of Turlock, and the continuation of the mask policy at Stanislaus State.
Land Acknowledgment
The meeting opened with the newly elected speaker, Dana Nakano, reading out a statement from the university which acknowledged that Stanislaus State is built on the lands of indigenous tribes. The statement read as follows:
“We want to formally and with great respect acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands of the Yokuts Nation. Our campus, Stanislaus State, is built on the unceded ancestral lands of these indigenous tribes. Thank you for letting us honor them and give our thanks to their ancestors and descendants for their constant and careful stewardship of this land.”
Food Distribution
Vice President of Student Affairs, Christine Erickson, mentioned the last food distribution days of the semester will occur November 17 and December 7 with the pick up for food on those days occurring from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at University Circle.
Erickson also mentioned that this week is National Hunger and Homeless Awareness week.
“As part of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, the Warrior Food Pantry will be at the Stockton Campus with our pop-up shop and providing students with a free bag of food and hygiene kits,” Erickson said.
She explained that Stockton students can register for the pop up pantry as well as Turkey Dinner kits. Turkey and Tamale will be available for Stockton students in December at a later date.
Giving Tree and Other Donations
ASI president Cynella Aghasi gave the report on ASI’s and SC’s Giving Back-Giving Tree donation program which is currently taking place inside of the Student Center.
“This program focuses on gathering wishlists from local elementary aged children,” Aghasi explained.
The program is about giving toys and clothing to local youths. Students and staff are able to take a tag from the tree in the Student Center and complete that wish. For those not on campus who wish to participate, an Amazon wishlist was created, so that students and staff are able to give back while staying remote.
Other ways to give back to the community include Faculty Support for Student Emergency Funds and Faculty Funding Food Insecurities which are both ways for the Faculty to support students.
Open Forum: Turlock Redistricting and Mask Requirements
Ann Strahm mentioned the recent move to redistrict Turlock which could affect the voting of the local community.
“There is a move on the part of the redistricting commission of the state of California to carve Turlock into half,” Strahm said.
Such redistricting will affect Turlock’s representation at multiple levels of government. For more information on this topic, visit the following links: We Draw the Lines and We Draw The Lines: Public Input.
Open forum also brought up the topic of masks. Since Stanislaus County has decided to drop the mask mandates indoors, the question became whether or not Stanislaus State would do the same. The answer is no.
President Ellen Junn explained, “We know for a scientific fact that after Thanksgiving and after the holidays… there will be bumps.”
June continued; “To protect us, I am not going to change the masking requirements.”
Academic Senate has one more meeting of the Fall semester which will occur from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on December 7. More information can be found on Stanislaus States’ website including information on how to attend future meetings.