Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
On October 12, Stan State’s student government met and voted on new policy, to discuss indoor athletic events, congratulated new student government officials, and were introduced to the Board of Trustees among other things.
Indoor Athletic Events
Stan State Vice President of Student Affairs Christine Erickson eliminated some confusion around attendance at indoor athletic events beginning on October 1.
“Spectators are permitted to attend and enter athletic games if they are vaccinated and wear a mask and do the daily screening,” Erickson explained. “For campus community members, just show your green screen. If they are community members, usually that’s parents of our players, they need to show their vaccination card or photo copy, or their digital record. If there’s minors, they must be accompanied by a vaccinated attendee, which is the parent or guardian.”
New Representatives Introduced
ASI welcomed and congratulated Trent Murphy (junior, Political Science) as the new Governmental Relations Student Coordinator. Murphy has shown that he is knowledgeable and passionate about policies and politics. As a first year transfer student, he has pursued learning as much as he can about the things that are available at Stan State.
“I am looking forward to restarting the Warrior Lobby Team,” Murphy said.
Murphy is also a Signal reporter. He explained that he is excited about being able to use his connections to amplify student voices and is looking forward to working with the ASI and students to be able to have crucial conversations about mental health and basic needs on campus.
Better Together Initiative
Jose Quirarte, Director for Student Organizations, has had $600 of funding approved for his initiative project “Better Together.”
The Better Together Initiative is a project that strives to increase students participation on campus. The hope is that the program will raise awareness, initiate and continue good relationships with Stan State organizations, and possibly streamline some much needed collaborations between organizations.
According to Quirarte, because of the pandemic, students have not been spending time in campus organizations like they once did. He hopes that Better Together will change that.
Executive Report
ASI’s Vice President Destiny Suarez shared with the group that she hopes to build more transparency regarding campus finances.
Suarez also met with the funding committee since the first cycle of student work funding was passed and there were only a small amount of requests.
Suarez finished her report by reminding attendees that next week is undocumented week. She encourages everyone to participate.
Executive Director’s Report
ASI’s Executive Director, Caesar Rumayor, addressed concerns about the Student Center being closed, explaining that only the main doors have been locked due to repairs. However, the other entrances have remained unlocked and the main doors have now been repaired and will be open for the future. He also mentioned that Stan State is creating a dining hall committee to explore options for having food available for students that take evening classes.
Board of Trustees
Krystal Reynes (Student Trustee, 2021-2022) and Maria Linares (Student Trustee, 2021-2023) shared information about the Board of Trustees, specifically what it is and why it exists.
The Board of Trustees was founded in 1960 as the overseers of the California State College system. In 1992, they restructured into the UC, California State Universities (CSU), and community colleges. They also became the largest college system in the nation.
Trustees discuss tuition fees and whether or not it should increase, decrease or stay the same. Trustees vote on a number of things, such as implementing classes like Ethnic Studies and the support or opposition of bills like Cal Grant Reform.
“Historically, student trustees vote against tuition increases,” Linares said.
Overall, the Board of Trustees are a college function that looks out for the students. They take public comments from approximately 485,000 students, they examine and revise college admission requirements, and decide on how much funding to ask for in terms of mental health, housing and food insecurities. Student Trustees are chosen by students, they serve two year terms, and they are accessible for your needs.
To get in touch with The Board Trustees, reach out to the trustee secretariat via phone at (562) 951-4020, or email them at [email protected]. Their next meeting is November 8. To become a member of the board, be sure to reach out to Stan State’s student trustees, Krystal Raynes or Maria Linares, on Instagram.
Open Positions at ASI
Lastly, the ASI are looking to fill these positions: the ASI Campus Pride Coordinator, a Graduate Assistant position, custodial positions, an IT position, the Admin Support coordinator and the ASI Programs Assistant.
The next ASI meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19.