Bandstand Flyer. (Photo courtesy of KCSS)
Saturday, May 12, marks the eighth year that KCSS will be hosting its event Bandstand.
According to KCSS Promotions Director, Kathleen Ochoa (senior, Communication Studies) “Bandstand is our biggest concert of the year and it’s also the one that we always get nominated for Modesto Music Awards. So it’s a big deal for the station.”
She goes on to say that “we get a lot of really cool local bands come to the shows.” Ranging from Stockton to Merced, the distance is kept very local, “we give them the platform and they just do their thing,” Ochoa said.
This is one of the only events that KCSS puts on during the spring semester. “During the fall semester, we have three events. One for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas,” Ochoa said.
According to KCSS Promotions Assistant, Darryl Asuncion (senior, Communication Studies) he is excited to see the band Yugen.
“For me, I would say Yugen because I love to say their name but also I really like their sound. They’re a completely different side of the spectrum, they’re more chill,” said Asuncion
The others bands range from Alternative rock to surfer punk.
“one of the bands I’m looking forward to is close to the station. Killah Wail is super energetic and it’s the little quirky things that I like about them,” said Asuncion.
Ochoa said that “the lineup has the bands that are relaxed are first, then it slowly kind of progresses. Depths are the last and they’re the most energetic.”
For those wondering about band merch, Ochoa said that “Some bands will have some out there and a lot of them have some pretty cool merch. We’ll have our stations merch for sale during the show.”
Ochoa said, “We usually get a pretty big crowd and the bands have a lot of their friends come too. Everyone’s dancing around and having fun. This isn’t a contest but that would be interesting idea for the future.”
Being both Ochoa and Asuncion’s last year here at Stan State, Asuncion said “that’s for the next team to choose.”
The event starts at 5pm and runs until 10pm at the Grizzly Rock Cafe, 4905 Golden State Blvd.