Photo credit: Christian Wade (personal photo)
Music has struck a chord with various local talent around Turlock with musicians openly sharing their passion for music.
William Sconce, from the local band Dirty Pillows, had decided early on that the music industry was what he wanted to be involved in. Sconce says, “I’ve always escaped through music. One thing I learned from a very young age was the only thing that separated me from them, as they put in the work. You can’t fake passion and nobody in this life or any other will just hand you everything you want.”
Dade Bradley, lead singer, and guitarist of local rock band Bed Heads knew he wanted to be a musician since he was sixteen years old. After meeting Elmer Gonzalez, the current drummer, they decided to form a band. Bradley says, “I knew that music was the industry that I wanted to be a part of because I’ve always loved it, and it’s always been there for me. I’ve never really been good at the whole school thing or any trade, and I love it more than anything else, so I know it’s what I want to do.”
Bradley’s passion for music is more than simply ‘making it’ in the industry. Growing up, listening to music helped him through tough times. He simply wants to do that for the people listening to his music.
“I have to be honest, of course, I want to ‘make it’, but what that means to me is to be able to support myself financially enough to get by just playing music. I want to tour around, see different people and places, and the biggest thing for me has to be – my music becomes for other people what it always was for me. The feeling that you get when the artist understands what you’re going through,”
In regards to their fans, both Sconce and Bradley expressed complete sincerity on how grateful they are for their fans and the support that they give and receive from other musicians.
“I definitely prefer interacting with fans physically at shows over social media, however, I love having tools like Instagram and Facebook to engage with a wider audience, update people on my live shows, etc.” says Sconce.
Sconce also went on to explain how he shows his support to other local musicians. He says, “I believe that musician comradery is the backbone to a great music scene. I’ve never turned away a fellow musician who’s in need of something I can provide. If I can help, I will. No question.”
For Bradley, talking to fans at the actual shows they play is what he prefers. “I love talking to fans at shows and really connecting with people, finding out more about their personal life and what brings them to the shows.”
Bradley also explained how he immensely enjoys supporting and watching local bands. “I love so many local bands! I love to go to shows and see them play. I buy merch when I can, and I tell literally everyone and anyone to check them out!”
A well-known supporter of the local music scene is Roger Hanner, a local studio owner in Modesto. Hanner has provided a safe, non-judgemental place to local musicians in order to help them in their music career. Hanner says, “There’s not a band that comes through here that at some point I don’t virtually give time to.”
Bridget Martinez, radio personality at KCSS, also is a big supporter of the local music. “I support the local scene because it’s comprised of young people who just want to share their music with everyone. It’s full of passion and hope. Being a part of KCSS is awesome because I see the spark in every artist we work with and it’s a spark I never want to see go away.”
For the promoters and active fans of the local music scene, there are some qualities that they would like to see changed such as more venues.
Hanner explains, “There is almost no place in Modesto to play at, but if you do find a place, good luck getting paid. That is what I hear primarily.” Martinez added, “It would be so cool if Turlock had some type of venue where shows can happen at, I feel like that would help the local scene.”
Some venues that the local musicians and bands play at regularly are the Queen Bean, Lightly Used Books, La Mo Cafe, Ralston’s Goat, and Cafe Deva. There are many events that these local places host such as open mic nights, holiday-themed festivals, and benefit shows.
Seeing people come out to support their music truly motivates these musicians to continue to express themselves in their music. They can only go so far without support from their fanbase. If we can adhere to at the very least, going out to gigs to show support to people trying to make it in the music industry, it will give hope and motivation for them to continue moving forward with their dream.