Every semester, as new students come in and more continue their education at Stanislaus State, they are subject to complete a Title IX Training called “Not Anymore.” This training is a course based on sexual assault and how it can be prevented, whether you are a victim or just a bystander. This training can seem to some as a burden put onto students, because failure to complete this training puts a hold on a student’s registration for upcoming semesters.
In 2014 an investigation was launched across the United States that looked at schools, and how they were addressing issues like sexual assault among college students after many testimonies from sexual assault victims started surfacing. Online Title IX training was mandated in order to educate students on these issues.
This mandatory hold on registration is something that is not only for Stan State, but for schools across the nation. Raising awareness is something that is always encouraged for subjects like sexual assault, even if you haven’t experienced it or know somebody that has gone through it, bystander awareness is just as important.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator Julie Johnson expressed that Stan State is always looking to improve the training and to raise awareness. Johnson said that awareness needs to be raised for all types of assault and the options that survivors have access to.
“I would definitely like students to know as well that if you are a victim or survivor of sexual assault, students are able to ask for an alternative assignment if the Title IX training might trigger painful moments and memories.,” said Johnson.
Johnson added, “A student can contact Meg Lewis or the DRS [Disability Resources Services] if they feel an alternative would be best for them.”
Meg Lewis is the Campus Training Manager for the Title IX training; students can contact Lewis if they feel the need for an alternative assignment before the deadline.
Kyle Cockrell (Social Science) feels that this training is more than just removing a hold off your registration.
“Even though I don’t know anybody who has been a victim or a survivor, raising awareness for this issue is something I’m all for,” said Cockrell.
Emma Dallimore (Criminal Justice) is all for Title IX training and its purpose.
“I feel like I would do this training even if it didn’t put a hold on my registration,” said Dallimore. “I know somebody who has been a victim of sexual assault. With the training and refresher course, it helps me understand how to talk to that person and possible other survivors that I may come to meet.”
The deadline for completion of the “Not Anymore” training or for your refresher training is Oct. 15. Students who have completed Not Anymore training in Spring 2018 may not receive an email this semester.
However, even students who are not required to complete the training this semester should always be aware; you never know when you as a bystander could help someone.
Title IX Training: Why do we do it?
Austin Bathke
October 5, 2018
A student works on his refresher training (Signal Photo/Austin Bathke)
A student works on his refresher training (Signal Photo/Austin Bathke)
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