Students walking around the Career Fair Expo seeing future careers after graduation.
California State University Stanislaus hosted its annual Fall Career Fair Expo on September 26th from 12 pm to 2 pm in the Mary Stuart Rogers Educational Services building room 130.
The event was hosted for one day to give students an opportunity to meet local businesses and get information about future career opportunities and internships. Although the Career Fair was only open to students of CSU Stanislaus, career-seeking alumni were also encouraged to attend this event.
Leading up to the event, Career Services provided students the opportunity to get their resumes reviewed at a resume building workshop before attending the Fall Career Fair Expo. They were informed to dress professionally and bring their resume.
Forrest Takhashr, (Business, Junior) said, “I actually brought different copies of my resume in order to match the different job and internship requirements. So far I have not had any luck, but I’m going to try again next Career Fair.”
Takhashr has been attending the Career Fair Expo’s for the past three years and has not had any luck but will not give up and will try again next time.
For some students, this was their first time meeting employers and the tension was settling as students walked among the different companies sharing their stories and discussing their interest in working with future employers. For others that attended the career fair, they already knew the importance of this event.
Monica Cruz (Micro Biology, Junior) shared her positive experience as she was lucky to get two job offers from the Career Fair.
“I was really happy to see that two of the employers that I spoke to wanted to schedule an interview with me. I walked in here with no hopes because I really did not know how this event worked out…this was my first time attending and so far I had good luck,” Cruz said.
Students were not the only ones who took advantage of the opportunity for their future careers. Employers were also glad to be in attendance and were seen interacting with the students. Employers provided specific information for the positions their business needed to fill.
One representative from Creative Alternatives, Rebecca Souza said, “We are looking for someone who has experience working with troubled youth. If you are planning a future in Criminal Justice, Social Services or Education your interest should be here.”
Souza continued to share that Creative Alternatives usually attend these events yearly, due to getting a good turn out of students who are interested in getting employed by them as they tend to work around school schedules.
The Career Recruitment Specialist for the Career and Professional Development Center, Rebecca Stephens shared that she was excited to get the word out about the the career center.
Stephens shared that the Career Fair Expo did have a limit of employers due to ASU being closed and under construction.
“We did not have the means to have a larger venue and were only able to hold a total of thirty-three employers, but we did have a good turnout compared to the last Career Fair Expo we hosted on February,” said Stephens.
For CSU Stanislaus students with any other career questions, contact Career Services in the Mary Stuart Rodgers Building, room 230, or call 209-667-3661.