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The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


Chief Clint Strode and fellow other officers carrying out mock DUI tests with volunteers. (Signal Photo/Adino Byrd)

A Look Into the Fourth Annual Citizens Police Academy

Adino Byrd March 23, 2018

Once every semester, Stan State's University Police Department (UPD) accepts applications of 16 individuals to participate in their Citizens Police Academy. This semester’s academy started on Feb....

Alessandra Ramirez (Photo courtesy of Alessandra Ramirez)

Objectification at the Gym

Juan Ruiz March 22, 2018

There are many reasons that people to go to the gym. They want to get healthier, better themselves, get that summer body among other reasons. But for many gym goers, their daily trip to the gym is compromised...

Jaynie Rowe, (sophmore, Math) (Signal Photo/Sarah George)

Ending Age Discrimination at Stan State

Sarah George March 20, 2018

The California State University, (CSU), system had officially prohibited all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on protected status, including age per executive order (EO) 1097...

Illustration by Simarjit Kaur

Dealing with Academic Probation

Sarah George March 19, 2018

Students can end up on Academic probation for any number of reasons, whether that be a stressful life event or simply feeling that they don’t have the skills required for success. The Academic Success...

Faculty gather to discuss updates to the GE program (Signal Photo/Sarah George).

New Changes are Coming to General Education Requirements

Sarah George March 16, 2018

On Thursday, Dr. Mark Thompson, Chair, University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC), led the second open forum to discuss changes to the General Education (GE) requirements. Issues that were brought...

Jessica Curtis (graduate student, Art History) (Signal Photo/Kristen Dias)

International Women’s Day 2018

Kimberly Fischer, Kristen Dias, and Jesus Valdez March 8, 2018

International Women's Day has been celebrated for 109 years since it started in Feb. 1909. The United States was the first country to celebrate International Women's Day. In 1911 it was recognized as a...

Turlock Mayor Gary Soiseth speaks to about 30 students at the "One on One with the Mayor" event hosted by ASI.

Mayor Soiseth visits Stan State for a “One on One with the Mayor” event

Sarah George March 7, 2018

Turlock Mayor Gary Soiseth visited, for a “One on One with the Mayor” event, hosted by Associated Students Inc. (ASI). This event gave students an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns...

Black Panther 1992. (Photo Courtesy of Flickr)

Black Panther changes how ethnicities are seen in movies

Andrew Cabrera March 5, 2018

"Black Panther" has premiered nationwide and has Stan State students and faculty talking about the empowerment it gives to ethnicites that rarely get the limelight.The History of Black PantherBefore the...

Eileen MacDonald explaining her method of inking the intaglio plates. (Photo Courtesy of Martin Azevedo)

Printmaking Club to sell t-shirts, host events

Emiliann Parga February 26, 2018

The Printmaking Club will be selling custom-made t-shirts on Feb. 28 during Warrior Wednesday hours in the quad. T-shirts will be provided for $10 but club members are encouraging participants to bring...

Many students and faculty attended the blowout sale. (Signal Photo/Andrew Cabrera)

ASI & USU move out with the old in with the new

Andrew Cabrera February 22, 2018

ASI & USU blowout sale on all office supplies and school merchandise that ended on Feb. 21. There was a mixture of both faculty and students shopping around. The flow in the room created a sense of...

Photo of Joseph Alvarez, member of Stan State's men's basketball team (Signal Photo/ Juan Ruiz-Olguin).

Halo Effect: Qualities of attractiveness

Juan Ruiz February 22, 2018

Do beautiful people really have it better? Studies show that people who display favorable physical characteristics are thought to have more positive social interactions than negative ones. Dr. Victor Luevano...

One of the UPD student shuttles. (Signal Photo/Sarah George.)

Improvments to the Warrior Express expected to arrive at Stan State

Sarah George February 21, 2018

Established for the protection of students after dark, The University Police Department(UPD) has been providing evening shuttles throughout campus since the early 1990’s. Since then, UPD has made...

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