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The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


Black Student Union members in unity for their last gathering of the semester. (Photo Courtesy of BSU)

Understanding microagressions, calling it out

Though racism maybe thought of as a thing from the past, but that’s really not the case. Stan State has done a great job at keeping its commitment to being a diverse and inclusive community, but...

Front Entrance to Library (Signal Photo/Aubrie Barr).

Extended library hours during finals week

Aubrie Barr December 13, 2017

As Winter break draws nearer and nearer, the dreaded finals come with it.  An endless amount of studying happens before the semester comes to a close.  It is during this time that finding a quiet...

Goods for sale at the craft fair. (Signal Photo/ Andrew Cabrera)

Annual holiday craft fair returns

Marisol Ochoa December 12, 2017

The holiday craft fair welcomed Stan State employees, students and members of the community for the first time in over five years. Erica Fleming (Department of Biological Sciences), hosted the event in...

Students and faculty share their childhood holiday memories with The Signal. (Signal Photo/ Kristen Dias)

Childhood holiday memories from students and faculty

Gagan Kaur, Marisol Ochoa, and Jesus Valdez December 8, 2017

The holidays can be the most memorable time of the year where people get to enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones. Most can recall a special time where the holidays brought joy, fun,...

Jakara Movement Club members at 'Know your Neighbor' event. (Photo Courtesy of Navroop Kaur) 

SPOTLIGHT: Jakara Movement Club

Jyoti Dhanota December 8, 2017

Stan State is home to many Sikh students. Jakara Movement Club is one of the clubs that offers Sikh students resources and is a club for them to join.Sikhs are people who follow Sikhism, which a religion...

"Welcome to WhoVille" from the Department of University Extended Education. (Signal Photo/Abri Munoz)

Deck the Halls Contest

Abrianna Munoz December 8, 2017

Department offices from all around campus are participating in the Deck the Halls Contest, which is an annual contest presented by the staff council to see which department brings the most holiday spirit. Windows,...

Pink kiosk with flowers.  (Photo courtesy of Andrew Cabrera). 

Art students redesign Signal kiosks

With the redesign of The Signal paper, come the new designed kiosks that these papers will be in. Along with the art club, the signal editors, graphic designers,photographer and advertising manager the...

DRS Student Assistants (left to right): Robertson Yang, Daisy Herrera, Cristal Perez and Stacey Mean share their experiences working in the office. (Photo Courtesy of Nicole Dunlap)

A look inside Disability Resource Services

The Disability Resource Services (DRS) has been working to improve the lives of students with disabilities. The goal of DSR is to create inclusion for students with disabilities by eliminating barriers...

Tristan Rodenborn's family enjoying their cioppino dinner. (Photograph contributed by Tristan Rodenborn). 

Holiday recipes among ethnicities

Abrianna Munoz and Kimberly Fischer December 5, 2017

Holiday’s are filled with family fun and food. This holiday season is bringing you the recipes of some of Stan State students favorite holiday traditions and memories with their families during this...

Madeline Runyan next to the car that was being used to let out students' stress. (Signal Photo/Jesus Valdez).

Reducing stress by hitting a car

Jesus Valdez December 4, 2017

Last Friday, students let out their stress by hitting a car that was at the grassy area next to Demergasso Bava Hall (DBH) and Bizzini.The event was conducted by Madeline Runyan (senior, Business) for...

Daniel Rios hitting the car

Jesus Valdez December 3, 2017

Daniel Rios (senior, Business) hitting the car for a minute. (Signal Video/Jesus Valdez) Your browser does not support the video tag.

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