“There are so many ways you could describe Wanda, but the one word I would personally describe her as is a blessing. She is a blessing not only to me, but to everyone in this program, at this university, and a part of her life. Wanda is truly and inspirational woman and mentor and it will be so hard to see her retire. She will always be a big part of me because I lost my mother at a young age, but Wanda was a mother to me these past 4 years and I will never forget her,” Bolton-Siler said. and Alondra De La Cruz May 3, 2017
Since the announcement of the program’s “sunset” on October 2015, students, staff and faculty have been on the edge of their seats awaiting an answer to the same question; what is going to happen to the Hispanic and underserved or first generation students that PACE has provided services for during six years? and Alondra De La Cruz March 10, 2016
“Rape is not a subject that should be treated lightly. I think one of the things that Kitsy [Olson] has done beautifully here is make light of the scene with out making light of the subject,” Nelson said. and Alondra De La Cruz March 3, 2016