Image provided by Javi Cuiriz
30th Annual Student Research Competition
The 30th Annual Student Research Competition will be held March 4 in the Mary Stuart Rogers (MSR) building room 130 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
This event is put on by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and the Center for Excellence in Graduate Education (CEGE) at California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State).
The five categories for student research are as follows: Undergraduate Arts and Humanities, Undergraduate Social Sciences, Undergraduate Natural and Physical Sciences, Graduate Arts and Humanities and Graduate Natural and Physical and Social Sciences.
“The Student Research Competition promotes excellence in undergraduate and graduate research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student scholarship across all disciplines,” according to the Stan State ORSP website.
Faculty serve on the jury board and up to ten presentations may be nominated to advance to the California State University (CSU) statewide competition at CSU Bakersfield on April 29-30.
Each competitor will have ten minutes to orally present their work before a jury and audience, and three minutes to respond to jury and audience questions.
The top three places in each category earn monetary awards.
“I encourage students to present and I encourage faculty to volunteer as judges,” Director of CEGE and Interim Director of ORSP Shawna Young said.
“Every year I hear students exclaim what an invaluable experience it was – going through the process of perfecting their presentations, the satisfaction of sharing their projects, which are products of a lot of hard work, and watching others present,” Young said.
The Student Research Competition is sponsored by the Student Engagement in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (SERSCA) program.
“SERSCA program activities enable students to experience first-hand the process of research and creative activity productivity – potentially from idea conception to presentation at a professional conference, exhibit or statewide competition,” Young said.
The SERSCA program includes undergraduate assistantships, graduate assistantships, mini-grants, travel grants and the student research competition.
“Keep your eyes on your Stan email for announcements of SERSCA activities,” Young said. “Calls for applications for assistantships, mini-grants, travel grants, and the Student Research Competition are distributed on Stan email throughout the year, beginning as early as August.”
To learn more about the SERSCA program, click here.
For questions, contact Shawna Young at [email protected].