Station inside of the Student Health Center at California State University, Stanislaus. (The Signal photo/ Oscar Copland)
Is that time of the year again, time to deal with finals, holiday shopping, and who can forget, the flu virus. To fight the influenza virus, the Student Health Center at California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State), is offering free flu vaccines to Stan State students and at a discounted price of $20 for faculty and staff.
The Student Health Center began advertising their free flu shots to students back in Nov. and continue to send out weekly emails reminding students that they can still take advantage of the free flu shots before the semester ends and they go back home to their families.
Physician Assistant, Lapa Dang, encourages college students to get the flu shot to protect their love ones from catching the flu virus.
“Young adults have robust immune systems while the elderly and infants have low immune systems,” Dang said. “We encourage young people to get the shot so they don’t spread the flu virus to high-risk patients.”
For many young adults, getting sick with the flu is just an inconvenience but for high-risk patients it could be a serious situation.
“Some high-risk patients could even end up in the hospital because of the flu,” Dang said.
The Student Health Center offers students free flu shots on a daily basis during the months of Nov. and Dec. but some Stan State students seem to not want the vaccine.
Katrin Mirzazadeh (senior, Communication Studies) refuses to get the flu shot because of her fear of shots and getting sick.
“I don’t like shots, and I don’t believe in the flu shot,” Mirzazabeh said. “I feel like you get sick when you get the shot so I’m avoiding it and I am just boosting up on vitamins.”
The myth that the getting the flu shot means you will get sick is shared by many people of all ages, but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims otherwise.
“A flu shot cannot cause flu illness,” according to CDC’s “Misconception about the Flu Vaccines” website. “The most common side effects from the influenza shot are soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given.”
Grisel Arana (senior, Social Science) is not a stranger to flu shots but has not gone to get a flu shot since she started college.
“I have gotten it before and I got really sick after and I assumed it was because of the shot,” Arana said. “I stopped getting now because I am no longer forced by my parents to get it.
Students who already have the flu are not recommended to get the flu shot until they are feeling better. Stan State students who think they have the flu, can make an appointment by calling the Student Health Center at (209) 667-3396.
Students do not need to make an appointment to get their free flu shot. The free flu shots are available at a walk-in basis Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 11:15am and from 1:00 pm to 4:15 pm.