When it comes to Friday the 13th, Stan State’s community has a wide array of perspectives and superstitions regarding the unlucky day.
Micheal Angel (Liberal Studies, senior) plans to celebrate the day by watching films from the Friday the 13th franchise. One of his superstitions was to refrain from going to palm readers, as the 13th is a day that holds a lot of negative energy.
Despite this, he added: “I think when it comes to Friday the 13th, it’s only as much energy as you give it, you know? Like, if you think you’re gonna have a bad day and you go into the day having that energy, then you probably will.”
Emma Perez (Criminal Justice, junior) stated that she prefers staying inside at night during the unlucky day to avoid any unlucky circumstances.
Roxanna Moreno (Liberal Studies, senior) prefers watching more lighthearted films, such as The Nightmare Before Christmas, to contrast such an ominous day. One of her superstitions is to never whistle outside at night, as to not attract night howlers.
Cristian Lopez (Business, junior) added to that superstition in which he heard a rumor from a previous roommate in which there are an array of tunnels running underneath campus.
Jasmin Cortes (Criminal Justice, senior) shared that she plans to get comfy in some spooky pajamas and also watch Friday the 13th in honor of the special day. She stated that if you see a black cat, it signifies bad luck or that a witch is nearby.