Autumn Kirby
The pool at the CSU Stanislaus dorms.
Dorm life as a freshman traditionally marks the beginning of independence. The challenging yet exciting journey of starting a new chapter in life is only the beginning for long lasting friendships and new fun experiences for CSU Stanislaus freshmen.
Malia Tanksley (Undeclared, Freshman), Devyn Nifo (Sociology, Freshman), and Victoria Plumb (Kinesiology, Freshman) all share how the first few months of living in Housing & Residential Life at Stan State has impacted them.
Plumb, has been enjoying her time so far. She likes having her own bedroom and kitchen and loves that she can access all parts of campus easily.
Plumb shared that living in the dorms allowed her to make new friends with other athletes and the Resident Assistants (RAs), student leaders who build a sense of community and enforce policies in Housing.
“We now have a fun friend group to hang out with in each other’s dorms,” says Plumb.
Her biggest adjustment since moving away from her home in Washington is dealing with time management when it comes to grocery shopping and housekeeping activities, but the free laundry machines have helped her in that aspect.

For Plumb, meeting new people has been her easiest adjustment with everyone being so close. One misconception she had was thinking that the dorm life was going to be very noisy, but she finds it very calm and peaceful.
If Plumb could do anything to improve her experience, she would want the Housing Office to open earlier and close later as “some students need to print pages or check mail before their 8am classes.”
Tanskley, also believes the people on campus have positively affected her experience. Her favorite thing about living in the dorms is having her friends live so close to her.
The biggest adjustment for her has been living with other people in one space. She does not enjoy sharing a bathroom and shower as cleaning maintenance becomes more strenuous.
Tanksley and Plumb both enjoy using the pool and hot tub, using it about 2 times a week. These are just a few amenities the dorms offer.
Nifo, finds the Village Game Room game room to be a fun place to go and hang out with friends. She usually goes once a week although it is open every day. She also enjoys how accessible everything is around campus.

Her biggest adjustment has been buying herself stuff that she needs instead of wants. “I have to actually think about the money I spend. Also, just being around new people and a new environment with none of my family with me.”
Nifo thinks living in the dorms is pretty expensive, which can be an improvement made in future years.
On a positive note, she does express that the dorms create a close-knit environment for everyone, making it easy to meet new people. She has made new friends with other athletes, and they consistently hang out in the dorms. Nifo was scared to live with other people at first but is delighted her roommates are respectful and keep their areas clean.
All three freshmen rate their experience so far as eight out of ten. Aside from a few suggested improvements, they agree that the dorms provide a strong foundation for a successful first year of college.
If you are looking for what the dorms at Stan have to offer, more information can be found here.