Are you interested in exploring a new country while you work on your degree? The Office of International Education Study Abroad helps Stanislaus State students achieve their academic goals while getting to know different cultures. The study abroad program provides an opportunity for students to gain valuable life experiences and expand their global perspective all while studying in their field of interest.
Brittany Fentress, Director of Study Abroad, supports students through the process and suggests that getting advice and support from the program is beneficial in starting your journey.
Fentress provides students with information about the study abroad program and mentioned there are more resources besides her, but is always there for the student’s needs.
“It varies by provider but I am always a resource. Some providers have additional advisors that are also resources to the students and then there is always an advisor onsite to assist with students. We support students as best we can and whenever in need,” expressed Fentress.
Studying Abroad provides various opportunities and outcomes for students, from visiting a new country and obtaining a degree to learning new things and meeting new people.
“My friends that I made while living and studying abroad are some of my closest, lifelong friendships. You do so much growing and developing with each other that it creates a much stronger connection than many of my other friendships” said Fentress .
Fentress further explained, “Students of almost any major can study abroad. The key for any students is beginning the process early. The earlier a student starts planning, the easier it is to find courses. ”
One of the most common concerns that students face when wanting to study abroad is gathering finances to cover their studies.
“Students have concerns about a variety of things but the most common reoccurring ones are financing their program and being separated from their friends and family during their study abroad experience,” Fentress said.
According to Fentress, “Spain is always very popular. With the popularity of Kpop and KDramas, Korea has been very popular,”
Stanislaus State students shared their personal experiences and the impact on their lives while studying at one of the most popular countries, Korea.
Sera Mbacho (senior, Liberal Studies) talks about her experience in Korea and how she gained a new perspective on education while studying in a different country.
“In general I have always loved to travel. In high school I got to go to Kenya…ever since that trip I had layovers in Amsterdam and Paris… and just like the whole experience of experiencing new cultures, I was like I really want to do this” Mbacho says.
Mbacho talked about the things that she learned while traveling and studying abroad. Some of the top things she started doing that made her feel and learn the changes were becoming independent, learning the language, and the whole changing experience.
“Being in a different country… being around a language that you’re not fluid in it definitely changes things… like I really learned how to be like really really independent and to not be afraid of what others think… I think it really gave me self confidence being there.”
Esmeralda Ruiz (junior, Chemistry) provided insight into the countries where she studied abroad and the experiences of learning new cultures.
Ruiz traveled to two different spots, Spain and South Korea. This was the first time she traveled outside the country, and chose to study abroad because of this reason.
“It was an opportunity to travel…my first time traveling out of the country, while studying abroad it opened up opportunities and made friends within those countries” Ruiz mentioned.
Ruiz expressed her experiences were similar to Mbacho, like learning to do stuff on her own and not getting stressed.
“I completely agree with Sera, it’s kind of similar to what I learned… I wouldn’t want to add anything else.” Ruiz said.

Teisy Zavala (senior, Creative Media) decided to study abroad in South Korea after an advisor recommended that country.
Zavala shared some of the fun things she did while studying abroad, like doing things after school and exploring the country to learn new skills while in Korea.
“I learned a lot because I took a lot of writing courses when I was in Korea, and the way they write is different. Another thing would be the language,” Zavala said.
Zavala also mentioned that after school, “Going to museums, going to parks, cafes, and going out shopping was a big thing for me.”
If you want to learn more about studying abroad, this link will direct you to the study abroad website.
There you will find the information needed to start your journey, from making appointments with an advisor to reading more about the program. Also, helping you figure out what country you might want to visit and how to enroll.
Coordinators and advisors are available as a resource and support for students while they study abroad during the process from start to finish.
“I provide support to our students from beginning to end. I hope to advise them on programs that work for personal and academic goals. I provide them with guidance on paperwork and visa applications. I direct them to different departments on campus to give them support in specific areas.” said Fentress.
Not sure how to get more information, watch this video to guide you throughout the website to get started on your journey.