Stanislaus State’s renovated University Student Center marked its fifth anniversary last week, celebrating the milestone with a birthday bash. Stan State students celebrated the event, kicking off at 11 a.m. with a variety of activities, food and festivities in the Student Center.
Students built their own nacho plates and were provided a sweet treat from the Yogurt Mill truck stationed on Shield Lane.
An arcade was set up for students who enjoyed playing games, featuring a variety of machines, from air hockey to basketball.
A photobooth was available for those that wanted to take pictures with their friends to commemorate the celebration.
Students were also able to have caricature drawings made and the opportunity to stuff an emoji pillow.

Alexandria Raposo (Administrative Support Coordinator, Psychology) and Carmen Garcia (Sophomore, Psychology) mentioned that it was their first time attending a Student Center Birthday Bash celebration.
“It’s a good way to bring people in and to get students and staff to see what they are offering here.” Raposo commented.
Garcia mentioned that the emoji pillow activity not only brought students together but also left them with memories of the celebration.
“You get to see students come together, be involved in something, and make something fun that they take with and remember the SC center with.” Garcia stated.
Morning activities ended at 2 p.m. and were resumed at 5 p.m. with a hypnotist show and sushi.
Students were invited to volunteer for the show and experience being hypnotized.
The night was filled with entertainment and laughter as students cheered on their friends and fellow classmates on stage.
The University Student Center’s mission statement mentions that they strive to “provide quality facilities, services, and programs, to complement and enhance the academic experience.”
Students can take advantage of a variety of services offered by the Student Center, including dining options, study spaces and a range of programming events.
Garcia mentioned she likes to study on the second floor and her favorite thing about the student center is the front desk.
The Student Center Service Desk offers a range of services for students such as printing and sale of bus passes.
“They can inform me about all of the things that they offer for students, their programs, or answer any questions.” Garcia stated.

As the SC celebrated its fifth year, many wondered what else the Student Center would implement and provide in the coming years.
During the SC Birthday Bash, the SC Leadership held an Expansion/Renovation activity table.
Jelaine Esguerra, SC Board Chair, explained that the activity aimed to gather student opinions on food spaces and services they want to see in the Student Center.
Students were provided with a set of beads to place in the mason jars related to the services they preferred.
Examples on the table included small group rooms, daily-use lockers and sleeping pods.
The University Student Center offers a variety of resources to Stan State students and seems to be focusing on the future as it celebrates its fifth anniversary.