For many CSU Stanislaus students, graduation is just around the corner, while for others, it may feel like blocks away. No matter how far it seems, it is never too soon to learn more about the graduation process.
Angela Azevedo (Junior, English) recently realized that it is time to start looking into the steps toward their own graduation.
“If I had to rate how much I knew about the graduation process on a scale of one to five, I would have to say one. I feel like maybe I’m behind,” they confessed.
If Azevedo’s rating feels relatable, there is no need to panic. It is important to remember that other students are experiencing similar circumstances as they work towards graduation.

Graduation can feel overwhelming, but by understanding the necessary requirements, the application process and the resources available, the experience can be much more manageable.
Academic Requirements:
Before caps are tossed into the air, it is important to make sure all necessary requirements have been checked and double-checked off the list.
All academic requirements can be found by viewing the STAN Degree Progress report, which can be found through mySTANSTATE Student Center. This report is generated to help students track their personal graduation requirements, including which areas are satisfied and those that still need to be completed.
One requirement that students need to pay extra attention to is fulfilling 120 units to graduate.

General Academic Advisor Ila Moore believes that this is one of the main requirements students overlook when applying to graduate.
“There are a lot of times where students think that they have completed all their requirements, but they just haven’t met that 120 minimum,” Moore explained.
Moore notices that, typically, those students have met all other academic requirements but end up taking an extra class or two because they lack the necessary units.
To avoid hiccups along the way, students can refer to the STAN Degree Progress report where they can track the number of units they have taken, whether or not they have the required GPA and which classes they should take next.
Application Process:
The application form can be submitted to Enrollment Services via email once the student has two semesters remaining or before the student’s final term. The initial cost to apply is $60 with a $10 fee every time the student has to reapply.
General Academic Advisor Ramika Govergezy-Badelboo outlined the next steps after the application is submitted, focusing on the Graduation Approval Form (GAF).
“The graduation specialist will send the GAF to the department chair. They go through the major requirements and go over what the student is missing before confirming the graduation,” Govergezy-Badelboo explained.
This process can take weeks, so it’s important to apply as soon as possible! There is no set deadline, but the priority filing dates help to ensure a student graduates in their desired term.
A detailed description of what happens after the GAF process can be found under the “Graduation Application Process” section on the Apply for Graduation webpage.
If this information has caused any amount of panic, do not worry! In addition to meeting with advisors, there are many other beneficial resources readily available to guide students through this stressful time.
Enrollment Services is one of the main resources provided for students looking to graduate. The Enrollment Services Office is located in the Mary Stuart Rogers building in MSR 120. Its website has the graduation application, forms for advising and enrollment, the contact information of graduation specialists, deadlines and a step-by-step graduation process.

Scheduling an appointment with your graduation specialist is a mandatory resource many students need to be aware of. It is impossible to graduate without your transcript being cleared by these specialists, so it is important to reach out and meet with them sooner rather than later. They would love to hear from you!
Even though this time may be stressful, take a deep breath. Everything needed for graduation is accessible in this guide. Keep an eye on those dates, meet with an advisor and soon it will be time to walk across that stage into a new world of opportunity.