Let’s talk about the one thing that hurts our self esteem the most every time we watch a runway show, a movie, open up a magazine or simply go to school. Body image.
It is one of the biggest pressures among college students today. The expectation to look a certain way has increased more and more.
Students want to have the ideal, “perfect” body that models and bodybuilders have.
According to the Health Education Program of Brown University, approximately 74.4 percent of college females and 46 percent of college males have expressed concerns with their weight and appearance.
We live in an appearance-obsessed culture that is highly influenced by the media.
Most of the people in Hollywood are thin and in shape, making it apparent that body image is crucial when in the limelight.
These obsessions for obtaining the perfect body are dangerous.
People go to the extent of taking steroids, non-prescribed weight loss pills, surgeries and starvation.
All of these elements under the Health Education Program can lead to eating disorders, depression or even death. It’s just not worth it.
The media feeds into the attractiveness of unattainable bodies. It is undeniable that many actors/actresses are good looking, but obtaining their body build is not easy.
These individuals are wealthy and can pay for procedures, personal trainers, nutritionists, etc.
Hollywood stars make their bodies part of their careers and guarantee it took them a long time to look the way they do. It does not happen overnight.
Average college students don’t have all that. Even if they did, body types are different and reaching that “ideal” weight is nearly impossible and unhealthy.
As students, we have too much going on to just focus and stress about body image. We go to school to get a career and figure out who we are, which should be the focus. The rest will happen with time.
Unfortunately, body image pressure will not go away easily. Society is cruel. But, it’s important to avoid comparing yourself to others.
Filter the media’s construct messages by acknowledging them for what they are.
Take steps to appreciating your body by working it in fun new ways. Learn to love your heritage and the body it has provided you.