Feeling generous? The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) here at California State University, Stanislaus is feeling quite generous as their Make-A-Wish Day gets closer.
The Make-A-Wish Day is on Oct. 27 and any donations will be accepted for the Make-A-Wish foundation during the men’s soccer game as the Warriors host the Sonoma State Seawolves.
During a couple of athletic events each season, the SAAC sets up a booth with a donation jar and collects donations from the public for the foundation.
“Members of the community come to the booth, gather information about SAAC and Make-A-Wish, make a generous donation and receive a baked good from a local supermarket – along with a Make-A-Wish star with their name on it,” Jaclyn Pinasco, a member of SAAC, said.
This a great way for the SAAC to get the public involved with the Make-A-Wish foundation and fill them in on exactly what the foundation is for. This way people are informed about Make-A-Wish when they give donations and hopefully encourage others to do the same.
On past Make-A-Wish Days, the SAAC has even brought local children that are part of the foundation to the games to showcase their stories.
“Typically when this happens, that child’s story is presented at halftime,” Pinasco said. “Also, the child receives free entry to the game for them and their family members, a signed piece of merchandise from the team, a team poster and a whole lot of love from the fans.”
The SAAC is no stranger to fundraising. They are constantly involved in community projects to help raise money for several foundations other than Make-A-Wish, including “Pink Zone” cancer awareness, Salvation Army bell ringing and more.
They strive to help fundraise money for these charities and have been very successful – especially with Make-A-Wish.
CSU Stanislaus has led the California Collegiate Athletic Association in fundraising for Make-A-Wish in six of the seven years of the program, including four consecutive years from 2004 to 2008, according to warriorathletics.com.
Make sure to come out to the men’s soccer game and donate to the Make-A-Wish foundation at the SAAC booth.
Your generous donations are greatly needed and much appreciated. Visit warriorathletics.com for more information.