Does [email protected] sound familiar? It’s probably similar to a lot of the email accounts we made in the sixth grade and should have left back in middle school.
California State University, Stanislaus provides students, faculty and staff the benefit of having a CSUSTAN email account to utilize to their advantage. Encouraging students to be involved on campus and providing a professional and reliable image to the public is only one of the campus’s many goals.
It’s amazing how many students don’t use their student email.
Some people think their student email is just what they recite at checkout in the mall for those unwanted coupons. This is not how the university intended it to be used.
“I only use my CSUSTAN email account when it’s absolutely necessary,” Rachael Miller (junior, Communication Studies) said. “I would much rather use my personal email.”
Your CSUSTAN account is your link to every department on campus. Tuition fee reminders from cashiers, specials in the bookstore and updates of upcoming events on campus are all university-related information sent to your account.
“I prefer it when students use their CSUSTAN email addresses,” Dr. Zachary Gershberg, Communication Studies professor, said.
“It’s frustrating when students say in class that they haven’t checked their school account and I’ve informed them of an announcement via email.”
Using the CSUSTAN account automatically gives credibility. Anybody receiving an email from a CSUSTAN account will automatically affiliate that person with the university.
I had a professor that deleted all emails without reading them if it wasn’t from a CSUSTAN account. The email address indicated to him that the emails came from a reliable source.
Dr. Gershberg explained that he sees it as unprofessional to contact a professor using a sloppy email address. Professors prefer it, and it makes us as students more aware of what’s happening on campus. Why not use it?
“It’s a hassle to go to, then log in there to see emails that 9 out of 10 times are not important, and the important stuff goes to my regular email that I check daily,” Rozet Eisavi (senior, Business Administration) said.
If it’s hard to make a switch from a personal email address to the CSUSTAN address, forwarding CSUSTAN email to a personal account is the best option.
Forwarding your CSUSTAN email is as easy as logging in to your student account, looking at your account settings and typing in the forwarding email address. Making a habit out of utilizing the student email address can seem like a hassle, but try to reconsider. The positive outcomes are definitely worth while.