Each college year holds the promise of limitless opportunity. You have the opportunity to have a fresh start, to learn something about yourself and make new friends.
One great way to do this and get involved on campus is by “going Greek.”
Now what does “going Greek” mean? Alexa Garcia, Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment, explained her point of view.
“Going Greek means getting involved with an organization that is bigger than yourself. It means going outside of your comfort zone and meeting people of all different backgrounds, yet coming together as one to form a bond that is truly unbreakable.”
In addition to making lasting friendships, attending social gatherings and having fun, there are many perks to being a part of Greek Life. Some benefits include personal growth, development, leadership and networking.
“Most of the Greek organizations here at California State University, Stanislaus are involved with some type of community service, philanthropic events, fundraisers, and much more,” Chris Netniss, President of Theta Chi Fraternity, said. “[They] will not only lead to your growth as a leader, but also as a student.”
If you are interested in “going Greek” and joining a Panhellenic sorority, you can do so by picking up an application in the Student Leadership and Development (SLD) office or in the quad at the green Panhellenic table.
Applications are due in the the SLD office by Friday, Sept. 6. Recruitment weekend kicks off Thursday, September 12 and ends Monday, Sept. 16.
Rush Week is currently taking place and ends Friday, Sept. 6, so grab a flier in the Quad or in the SLD office and contact the fraternity you are interested in joining.
Finding your place at our university of nearly 10 thousand students can be overwhelming, but CSU Stanislaus is home to nine sororities and seven fraternities, each with a distinctive history and personality.
So if you think that you won’t fit in, think again- with 16 Greek Organizations on campus you are bound to find your niche.