Times are tough – and this economy isn’t making it any easier to get a job – but Career Services is a good place to get some extra guidance through the process.
They have websites, packets and events to help students start, keep and maybe even continue into a career.
“Career Services is here [for three purposes],” Amye Leon, Advising Resource Center Assistant Director, said.
“[We’re here] to serve as a resource for students who are looking for jobs by providing up-to-date postings that local and regional employers have asked us to share, to provide resources and information on various fields and occupations students may be interested in and to provide support with preparing to land a job – such as resume and cover letter assistance.”
Career Services is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Mary Stuart Rogers Building Room 180.
To get the help even faster, students can go on the school’s website and search Career Services to find helpful tips.
The center recommends optimalresumes.com; it is an easy way to fill out almost all the paperwork necessary to apply for a job.
“Much of the information on the website, including job postings, does not require any login to access, and Optimal Resume requires only your csustan.edu email to log in,” Leon said.
Look out this semester for speeches and workshops that offer help with job applications.
Career Services does have their own job fair which unfortunately already passed, but is offered each spring.
All services are available free of charge to all California State University, Stanislaus students and alumni.
It’s worth the shot to check out these helpful services. Timing is everything, and knowing the proper steps to getting the job you want has never been easier.