Stanislaus County Supervisor Vito Chiesa will host the third annual Turlock Government Night at California State University, Stanislaus March 20.
“Government Night is an opportunity for people to meet with their Federal, State and local representatives in one location,” Chiesa said.
“It is a forum to directly interact with the representatives they voted into office.”
Attending representatives include Congressman Jeff Denham, Assemblymember Kristin Olsen and Turlock City Mayor John Lazar.
Denham, the Republican representative for the tenth district which includes Stanislaus county, is up for reelection in the June 3 primary elections.
The forum mirrors the idea of a campus and community connection, a theme that has been present since President Joseph Sheley’s investiture.
Themes for the night are predicted to include the ongoing drought, government spending and job creation.
“I am attending because I want a chance to personally ask what Denham and Olsen plan on doing for people in low-income communities,” Tomara Hall (senior, Political Science and Economics) said.
“I want to see them help make socioeconomic improvements.”
The event begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Mary Stuart Rogers (MSR) building, room 130.
Those interested in attending should email [email protected] or call 209-525-6440 to RSVP.