Black Friday has been a long tradition where department stores open early the day after Thanksgiving and have the biggest sales of the year.
But last year, a number of stores opened as early as 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. This coming Black Friday some stores, such as Best Buy, will open as early as 5 p.m.
I understand wanting to get a good deal, but at this point it’s almost humorous. Black Friday has become an embarrassment, and the biggest culprits are the consumers.
We always want to blame the businesses for taking people away from the Thanksgiving table, but businesses wouldn’t do this if it weren’t for people camping out days before.
It’s the goal of the business world to find the most efficient way to sell their products, and if we keep going to stores earlier every year, it will not stop.
We live in a very busy world; people don’t spend enough time with their loved ones anymore. Thanksgiving is supposed to be one of the few times when families get together.
Everyone likes to say that family is the most important thing, but these days, we are too materialistic. According to the Huffington Post, Americans spent $12.3 billion on Black Friday last year. Black Friday gives these people the opportunity to obtain a variety of material goods at the lowest possible prices.
The initial intention of Black Friday was a good idea. We wake up at five in the morning, get some Starbucks and try to beat people to various items.
But we have given Black Friday precedent over Thanksgiving itself, and we can’t let this continue.
Spend time with your parents, siblings, kids and whoever else is important in your life. Don’t let this holiday virtually make Thanksgiving an afterthought (and we’re not far off).
Going to Black Friday in the middle of the afternoon on Thanksgiving says a lot about what our society finds important; we need to change that perspective.
I understand times are still tough, and great deals on Black Friday are hard to resist. But some things are more important.
Money does buy some happiness, but it won’t buy you the greatest happiness. Spend time with your families. It will be worth a lot more than anything you can buy.