Over the summer, the California State University, Stanislaus Veteran Center was awarded a grant to upgrade the Veteran Center in order to accommodate more veterans attending the university.
The upgrade included new furniture, a study hall, a relaxation area and a small dining area. The National Guard donated an official scorer’s table to display the school logo and different military branch logos.
“The new furniture makes the place look and feel like home,” Andrew County (senior, Chemistry) said.
Once a veteran or their dependent(s) registers at CSU Stanislaus, the center begins working with them. From assisting with obtaining funds from their G.I. Bill to applying for financial aid and even a separate New Student Orientation made specifically for students in the Veteran’s Center, the staff is focused on maintaining relationships with vets.
According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, approximately one million veterans and their dependents have enrolled in a college or university across the United States in the past four years.
CSU Stanislaus also offers a veterans club. The goal of the club and the center is to provide veterans help in increasing their educational benefits and in transitioning to a college campus.
“The club is about bringing awareness to each student about what they are entitled to on campus while socializing with other students, veterans or not,” said Mike Spain, Administrative Support Assistant and President of the Student Veteran’s Organization.
In order to do this, the center is open and available for veterans to do homework, print papers, watch TV, eat, sleep and find any additional information that might help them.
This semester the club will focus on events on campus, so students will find a reason to enjoy their experience here instead of seeing it as a “commuter school.”
The student Veteran’s center was created by student veterans for student veterans. While it caters to the needs of the veterans and their dependents, it also welcomes all students. The center is located in the Student Services Building in Room 113.