The Hunger Network and the Sociology club collaborated on a blanket and clothing drive for the homeless this past Saturday.
Over 70 homeless people came to Broadway Park in Turlock to receive blankets, sweats and sweaters to prepare for winter. The Sociology club distributed 30 blankets and more than 100 pieces of clothing. Those that were in need lined up to select one item and continued rotating to receive resources. Extra items were donated to the United Samaritans and Homeless Assistance Missionary.
While the Sociology club was distributing clothes and blankets, the Hunger Network fed pancakes, eggs and sausage to the homeless.
“We’re all about helping the community and giving back,” Stephanie Landeros, President of the Sociology club, said. “I felt good that I was able to help, but it wasn’t enough.”
The Sociology club and Hunger Network are passionate about giving back to the community. The Sociology club plans to give shoeboxes filled with gifts to people in need for Christmas. You can also expect a Christmas fundraiser this December. The club plans to sell Mexican hot chocolate and tamales to raise money. The proceeds will go towards their shoebox gifts or Relay for Life, a fundraiser for breast cancer.
The Hunger Network often holds canned food drives on campus and in local neighborhoods. Soon the Network plans to trick or treat to fundraise for the homeless.
“We dress up in costumes and go around campus asking for change,” Edgar Orozco, President of the Hunger Network, said. All the proceeds go towards supplies to feed the homeless breakfast.
The Network also grows various fruits and vegetables in their garden in front of Naraghi Hall to assure that the homeless that frequent the United Samaritans are well-nourished. The Network also has a food pantry to help CSU Stanislaus students who cannot afford food.
Landeros and Orozco fear not enough is being done to help those in serious need in the Turlock community.
“It was heartbreaking seeing all the children at the drive,” Landeros said.