Over the last 20 years, the technology of the cellular phone has changed beyond belief. The cell phone went from “The Brick” to a fragile, handheld computer, or smart phone, that has changed the way people communicate and gather information around the world.
Two of the leading companies in cell phone technology will go head-to-head once again this year with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5 on Feb. 24 and the release of Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which is available in stores starting Sept. 20.
The real question in all of this is: Which one is better?
I myself have had an iPhone since November of 2008, and I haven’t wanted any other phone. The iPhone 5S was released to the public Sept. 13, 2013, and I was impressed on that day by Apple’s new product. But on Feb. 24, the Galaxy S5 began turning heads when it became that cool new guy in town.
Ever since that day, everywhere I go I hear people talking about how great their Galaxy S5 is and how much they love this new phone.
With the iPhone 6 release for purchase quickly approaching, which phone seems to be the better buy?
The new iPhone 6 has made some drastic changes, such as a .57-inch height increase, a .33-inch increase in width and a .6 oz increase in weight. The depth of the phone has also decreased .03 inches
One of the biggest assets to the iPhone has always been picture quality and camera quality. This has continued to be one of the best qualities upheld by Apple. Apple has updated its camera wear to a 1080p, high-definition recording camera, increased its slow motion camera to 240 frames-per-second and added Cinematic video stabilization, continuous auto-focus stabilization and improved face detection.
The Galaxy S5 is also equipped with a 16 megapixel camera and 1080p, high-definition screen and camera. From what I have seen and read, the iPhone will still take the cake in this department because this is one of the best aspects that Apple has applied to its cellular devices.
The S5, however, has a 29-day talking battery life and a 14-day battery life for application playing, which outweighs the iPhone’s battery capacity by around 10 hours. Also while doing research on the specs for the S5, the Samsung website does not provide clear and understandable information. The information provided is mostly numbers and letters, which mean nothing to me unless I’m an engineer. Though Apple also lists numbers and letters for the iPhone, they define the numbers and letters for their readers.
If that weren’t enough to make up my mind, the price for the iPhone 6 ranges from $199 to $399 as compared to the Galaxy S5, which is priced at $299 to $499.
Therefore with all this information that I have read and gathered, there is no doubt that the Apple iPhone 6 will be the best buy and better device in 2014 because of its new technology. Apple stands behind its product as the best quality device a person can buy, and they have done this since the first Macintosh computer was marketed. People pay for reassured quality; that’s what I believe in and will continue to believe in.