As the holidays approach, you may be searching for ways to give back to the community. This year sophomore Aneesa Smith is hosting a teddy bear drive to benefit the children of Modesto Gospel Mission and the Parent Resources Center this Christmas.
“A Teddy Bear Christmas” is being arranged to get the campus and local community involved and to donate to many children this Christmas. Smith has placed donation bins and boxes around campus, in other locations around town and in Modesto, encouraging donations to be made. There are a total of 14 locations in which you can donate.
The campus community has been helpful in many ways. Last week, free entrance to the basketball game was permitted with the donation of a teddy bear.
Donations can be placed in any of the bins and holiday wrapped boxes located around campus. Make sure to turn in any teddy bears before or on Dec 19.
“I have seen these donation boxes at Starbucks,” Turlock resident Mike Landaverde said. “I think it is a lovely way to give back to the community and the children this holiday season.”
“A Teddy Bear Christmas” invites the community to provide children with something to love during Christmas. Join Smith in giving back to the community by donating a teddy bear that will lighten the hearts of many children.