Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
The Stanislaus State Academic Senate met on March 8, to discuss a variety of topics, including online learning policy, staff vacancies, and dining options on campus.
Online Learning Policy
Senator Steven Filling of the Stan State Academic Technology and Learning Committee (ATLC) spoke of the student online learning policy draft, explaining that the revised draft of online and technology mediated course policy should be ready for presentation by late March. Wednesday also saw an issued interpretation of the temporary camera policy in place.
“Faculty may not require students to have their cameras on during synchronous class sessions until such time that permanent policy is approved and in place, and that student choice of having their camera on or off should not affect their grade,” Filling explained.
“Faculty may require students to turn their cameras on during exams. We are working with our colleagues in OIT, and administration to ensure there are available spaces for students to take their exams if they need to,” he added.
Senator and sociology professor Ann Strahm asked for further clarification on the policy as it relates to students with limited access to technology.
“I’m looking for some sort of clarification in if there are students who lack technology, meaning they can’t necessarily turn on a camera and have streaming capabilities at the same time, or they have some kind of an issue where there is something in their private space that shouldn’t be open for anyone else to see what’s actually going to be in the policy, not what do we hope that our colleagues will be offering in terms of proper behavior,” Strahm said.
“What is in the policy that lays out alternatives for students and notification of those alternatives, say prior to them deciding to take the class?” she asked.
Filling responded by saying that the policy will come in the form of a statement.,
“It [will be a] statement that classes that will require camera use will need to notify students via the course schedule, and again, that should happen before registration so the students are aware of what they’re walking into,” Filling answered.
Warriors Take Care Vacancies
The Warriors Take Care team is tasked with distributing products like masks and sanitizer during school hours as well as checking daily COVID-19 clearance at each building entrance. As the Stan State campus continues to heavily repopulate, they have expressed their need of additional staff.
Students are encouraged to apply for open positions on the Stan State HR job application site.
ASI Reports on Dining Options and Other Basic Needs
ASI President Cynella Aghasi announced that Stan State student government will be hosting Mental Health Awareness week. The week will consist of activities like a self-compassion workshop, Distress Fest and more. Events will be taking place around the Turlock campus from March 14 to 18.
Aghasi also spoke on student government’s advocacy efforts, extension of dining hours, which are fro, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Her and the ASI team pledged to advocate for opening more food options around campus.
“We will continue to advocate for more food options, or locations to be open around campus,” Aghasi stated.
Health Center Opening
While the Student Health Center building has been closed, they have continued to offer services to the campus community. Nevertheless, their resources were limited.
The renovated center was set to open in April, but student government advocacy efforts have urged them to open earlier. Because of those efforts, the Student Health Center is set to open on Monday, March 14.
The next Academic Senate meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22.