Associated Students, Inc. candidate applications are now available and will be open to Stanislaus State students until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23. The candidate application can be filled out online.
“ASI Elections are held each year during the spring semester, where Executives and Directors are elected to serve the following academic year on the ASI Board of Directors. Elections are your chance to get involved in ASI Student Government,” states the official ASI website.
The values of ASI include campus pride, collaboration, embracing integrity and ethics, enriching experiences and relationships, equity and inclusivity, excellence in service, personal wellness and promoting sustainability.
The following positions are open to apply for:
ASI Executive Seats
Vice President
Vice President of Finance
ASI Board of Director Seats
Director for Athletics
Director for Sustainability
Director for Diversity
Director for Student Organizations
Director for Housing and Residential Life
Director for Graduate Students
Director for College of Business Administration
Director for College of Education, Kinesiology and Social Work
Director for College of Science
Director for College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Director for Stockton Campus
Some of the eligibility requirements include two different sections of Undergraduate students and Graduate students.
For Undergraduates, running candidates must have a minimum of 12 units, must have a minimum fall GPA of a 2.5, must be enrolled at least one semester prior to applying for Board of Directors, must maintain at least 6 semester units during candidacy, must not have earned more than 150 units, must be in good standing and must not be on any kind of probation.
For graduate students, running candidates must earn 6 semester units per term of continuous attendance as a new graduate student, and must have a fall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Additionally, graduate candidates who receive a bachelor’s degree or credential within the past 3 years from Stanislaus State must have earned a minimum of 10 semester units during their last year as an undergraduate to be eligible, must not have earned more than 50 semester units and maintain a minimum of three units while running for office, must be in good standing and must not be on probation of any kind.
The eligibility requirement to run for an executive position is to have served at least one semester with the Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors. If an executive candidate does not meet the minimum qualifications of having one semester served on the ASI Board of Directors, the candidate may appeal.
Head to the official ASI elections webpage to read the entire elections and nominations code. A full list of frequently asked questions regarding the ASI elections can also be found here.