I found Eduardo Medina’s article “Faculty Mentor Program Looks to Build Bonds at Stan State” very informative. I didn’t know that there was a form of a mentor program at Stanislaus.
I always thought that there were internships only and that mentor programs were only found in things like summer camps or for high schools. I think it’s really interesting and beneficial to have a professor or staff member of Stanislaus as a mentor because it can open so many doors for students.
So many of us first-generation students feel so lost, especially when it’s our first time at a university. Well at least that’s how I feel personally. I feel so lost at this school and if I ever have the courage to apply for this program then it could really help me in the long run.
My only issue, if I can say something, is that I wish there was more information on this program. On the web page, it does explain a bit but there were some things that were a bit unclear to me. I know that we can email with any questions we have but I wish there were more FAQs with more questions.