I’m one of many alumnos of Stan State whose native language is Spanish and would like to see more articles written in Spanish.
I had been looking through LA LETRA Ñ and was very impressed by the talent of students writing articles in Spanish. I felt very identified, mostly included seeing that the Signal Newspaper actually had some content for readers that prefer to read their news in Spanish.
Personally, I prefer to read articles in Spanish. I also noticed that the last article published was on May 23, 2021. I think that article was executed perfectly, with a lot of information for all Latino communities and mostly educational for students. I would like to subject to publish more articles in Spanish. I believe that there are many subjects or news to write about in Spanish that readers will be interested to read.
Another subject is to hire more journalists that are interested in writing articles in Spanish. I am pretty sure that there are students at Stan State that are interested in writing in Spanish. In fact, articles that are published are great but we as Latino community need to see more articles and Spanish. Also that will give the Signal more readers and popularity.
In conclusion, I hope soon there are more articles published in Spanish.