Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
The Stanislaus State Academic Senate met on April 29, with academic policy once again being the main topics of discussion.
Webcam Policy
Steven Filling with the Academic Technology and Learning Committee (ATLC) shared that the group had their final meeting of the semester on April 25 to go over suggested changes to the campus web camera policy.
Senator Jefferey Frost explained that the current policy remains unclear.
“I find there could be a lot of misunderstanding around what is permitted, what is not permitted… what constitutes a performance or what constitutes general participation,” he said.
“Normally I don’t have a problem with students having their cameras on or off, but in some of my upper division courses such as seminars where students are expected to participate and discuss with one another, I find it facilitates discussion if cameras are on. It also lets me read body language,” Frost explained.
Frost then posed the question of what meets expectations for participation in certain upper division courses.
“If I want to have a discussion where students are expected to participate in an upper division course, is that considered general participation or is that considered a specific function?” he asked.
Filling responded, acknowledging the concerns that Frost and other campus community members share.
“I think the notion is that we leave the judgment of what qualifies as specific function as opposed to general participation to our colleagues,” Filling said. “My intuition is that would probably involve the department, and in cases where there’s a lot of disagreement, it may reach the level of UEPC or ATLC, but I think at some level we have to acknowledge that it is based on judgment.”
Education Policy
Ann Strahm with the University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC) stated that the committee has not met since their last senate meeting, but they will be meeting this coming in the near future to discuss new material consisting of a grade appeal policy, information comparing campus processes, and looking to see what options are available for the Graduation Writing Assessment.
Meanwhile, the Graduation Council presented a nursing modality change supported by students and faculty. This change allows nursing classes to be hybrid.
ASI Announcements
ASI announced that a successful clothing swap recently raise $103 to be donated to a nonprofit organization known as “The Peace Collective.” They also announced the “Meet the Mayor” event that will be held on May 3 at 6 p.m. in the Student Center’s Valley room.