(Photo courtesy of Belén Hernández Vega/Foto courtesia de Belén Hernández Vega) The fruit of Horge Avila/Las frutas de Jorge Avila.
At The Rematito flea market on Crows Landing, you can smell fresh fruits, the aroma of freshly cooked food, and are able to see a variety of colors that will be attractive for your eyes. Visitors can also witness the handicrafts from Mexico such as huaraches, overcoats, huanengos (a typical shirt from each state of Mexico), clay vases and clay dishes among other handicrafts.
The Rematito opens its doors to the public from Friday to Sunday, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. At the popular flea market, vendors offer quality products so that customers are always coming back again on the next weekend.
The atmosphere of the Rematito is very cheerful, as there is free live music from regional Mexican groups that perform at the Rematito. In addition, you will experience a trip to Mexico without leaving the United States since the Rematito will give you that feeling that you are in Mexican lands, regardless of whether or not you have traveled to Mexico before.
It is not necessary for you to come from a Latino family, as this place everyone is welcome regardless of their origin. Rematito vendors always try to sell the best to their customers, whoever they may be.
“We all work. It is hard for us to earn our daily bread. As if to be selling garbage, then the best we have speaks well of us,” said Beatríz Ortiz Castañeda, who started her own Mexican candy business alongside her mother 23 years ago.
Ortiz Castañeda offers customers traditional Mexican sweets such as duvalin, pelones, gummies with chamoy and other traditional sweets.
“The gummies are sold a lot in chamoy. It is one of the most popular right now because it has that spicy chamoy and it is something that is very new,” she explained.
Some vendors offer you quality Mexican sweets, while others offer you Mexican handicrafts such as huaraches, overcoats, necklaces, vases and more handcrafted goods.
Rubén Aro is one of many vendors selling Mexican crafts here at The Rematito. He always tries to offer his customers quality in the things he sells, including huaraches, boots and overcoats.
“I prefer to have a client who comes back satisfied than one who won’t come back again,” he said. “It is a family atmosphere, people come here to learn about their culture.”
The Rematito has a promising experience for all those who dare to come to enjoy the cultural atmosphere and, above all, to have a good time.
“Here customers can come to relieve stress. To enjoy the day and mainly to have fun here with the family, I highly recommend them,” said Alfonso Padilla, a ciivil engineer from the University of Guadalajara.
Padilla is one of the many clients who frequently attend The Rematito to support the vendors for whom it is their only source of income.
In addition to being able to enjoy a good day at Rematito, you can also find fruit, food, different clothing, jewelry and plants.
Here you can feel as if you were in Mexico because of its familiarity, the warmth of the people, and above all, the festive atmosphere.