From left to right: Estrella Granados (Safeway employee), Melanie Rosales (nursing student), O'Shaun Melchor (nursning student), and Melissa Nichols (nursing student) worked in conjunction to help get campus community members vaccinated. (Signal Photo/Eduardo Medina)
On February 18, Stanislaus State hosted an on-campus COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the Mary Stuart Rogers building. The school partnered with a local Safeway pharmacy from Modesto, CA to provide students, faculty and staff with their first, second and booster vaccinations of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Stan State aims to have most, if not all, of their students, faculty and staff up to date with vaccination requirements by the end of February.
In December of 2021, the California State University announced that it will require all students, staff and faculty to have a COVID-19 booster shot for the spring 2022 semester. Campus community members must upload proof of a vaccine booster shot by February 28. The on-campus vaccination clinic aims to help individuals fulfill the CSU’s demands one week prior to the deadline.
“As the time is getting closer for us to submit our proof of vaccine status, this is a great way for students and staff to get their statuses updated,” said Alexis Ryan (senior, Criminal Justice). “Even though I am not eligible to get my booster until the end of February, I hope we can see more pop-up clinics at Stan State in the near future for those who received late vaccinations last year like myself.”
Alex Feltner (senior, Business and Computer Science) gave a positive response to the on-campus clinic.
“I think it’s a great idea. It makes sense to have access to the clinic since many people like staff and students are busy on campus throughout the day. They can attend class, and then go get a vaccine right after,” said Feltner.
Another student, Tyler Blea (senior, Art History) is supportive of Stan State’s idea of an on-campus clinic.
“It is a great idea on the part of Stan State,” he said. “It gives me a sense that they really care for the health and safety of their campus community. I hope that this clinic on Friday is not the only one this semester. It’s really a great idea and gives Stan State a positive image.”
For instructions and a breakdown of the COVID-19 self-certification process, visit your MyStanState Student Center.