Promise Scholar flyer which can be located at the Academic Success Center
CSU Stanislaus’s Promise Scholar program provides students with a foster care background access to support services and higher education. Their goal is to help every student enrolled in their program to graduate from college by providing them with what they need. The program provides many different support services like counseling, academic and financial advising, financial aid, workshops, and more. These types of services can are really guide students and make a difference in their academics.
Academic Success Center student assistant Hailey Moreno (junior, Business and Administration) believes the program is an important resource.
“I feel like this program is really good for those who don’t have any stability or resources,” she said.
This for sure would help them.”
Aside from academic and financial support, the program also tries to give students that college experience by hosting community events and providing those who are enrolled an opportunity to relax and feel more comfortable. The program provides in-person events for students to obtain a sense of community on campus.
Promise Scholar Student, Diana Perez (senior, Psychology) explains how the program has helped her while navigating college and its hurdles.
“The promise scholar program has helped me financially, but it has also helped me academically,” she said. “It’s just having that help from an advisor and the coordinator herself that really makes a difference. It makes you feel welcomed, and having a person to talk to helps.”
Foster youth programs at CSUs, UCs, and community colleges in the state of California now have an allocated budget to serve students. Stan State’s Promise Scholars program recently received its baseline budget and as the program continues to grow and develop they hope to see more opportunities come their way.
“Hopefully there is an opportunity to expand staff and expand services,” explained Promise Scholar program lead, Libby Pata. “We really want to look at what is going to be that one golden carrot that is going to make a difference with these students and help get them to degree completion.”
If students are interested and want to enroll in the program they must complete the promise scholars application and meet eligibility. Students must be between the ages of 17-23, California residents, provide foster youth or unaccompanied homeless youth documentation, and must meet with a Promise Scholar program lead.
If you believe you are eligible you may connect with Pata, who will connect you to other resources to see if all qualifications are met. Appointments can be made at the Academic Success Center or online.
Students and community members are welcome to help out the program as well and all donations may be sent to the Office of Alumni Relations or email [email protected]