April showers bring May flowers, or is it flocks of geese at CSU Stanislaus that have become a part of the spring decorum?
Emily Mancilla (Freshman, undeclared) mentions, “I’ve seen them everywhere. I yell at them to get away from me every time they come near!”
The disruptive geese have caused quite a commotion that they’ve enlisted the help of Katelyn Hawthorne (Senior, Creative Media) and private investigator to conduct a search for one of the one of the most notorious geese of them all.
“I have been searching for too long to give up now. It’s just been a long year and last year brought me no results. So, I’m going to try and dig around a little more and see what I can get,” she said as she ventured with a wanted sign.
Alyssa Sikiric (Senior, Criminal Justice) said about the search, “No way… when I think about that goose, his name is Phil the Goose, he’s always bothering me and hissing at me. You all need to take that flock and get out!”
Students in support of the search assisted Hawthorne with her private investigation efforts and identifying the possible whereabouts of the culprit of the flock, Phil.
Wherever you may be today on or off campus this April 1st, hopefully, you are geese free and stress free on your Spring Break.
Happy April Fools, from the Signal Staff!