A photo of Demergasso-Bava Hall, where three suspects reportedly broke into and stole university property. (Signal Photo/Anthony Perkins)
Over winter break, the University Police Department (UPD) received a report from Facilities Management that there was a burglary in Demergasso Bava-Hall. UPD responded promptly and issued four separate warrants. During the searches, the police seized multiple firearms.
One of three suspects have been arrested and all of the property has been recovered.
UPD Chief of Police, Clint Strode stated, “UPD seized a single firearm, a hand gun, from the first search warrant where the primary suspect was living [and] seized several additional firearms, including an AR-15 rifle, when an additional search warrant was served on a storage unit belonging to the same individual.”
As it stands, there is no evidence that these firearms were on campus or involved in the campus burglary.
Chief Strode went on to share that, “While [he] can not outline the individual’s criminal history, it is lengthy, and at least one prior felony conviction prohibits them from possessing firearms or ammunition.”
Both Captain Steve Olson and Chief Clint Strode commended the officers involved in the case. The Chief expressed it was a, “tremendous amount of work for a very small number of people in our police department,” and they worked non-stop.
Strode said their work sends a clear message that Stan State is not profitable for thieves.
“If you target the university, there’s a significant chance that you are going to get caught,” he said.
UPD and Facilities Management concluded that the burglars were able to break into the building by prying open the door.
The Associate Vice President of Capital Planning and Facilities Management, Julia Reynoso, stated that in order to prevent a break-in from happening again latch guards are being installed on doors most susceptible to break-ins, critical doors were rekeyed completely, and that the building was converted solely to electronic access control.
Reynoso said the damages they are, “addressing to the building and furnishings include: doors, door frames, locks, and cabinet doors and locks, as well.” She went on to say that the team is, “still implementing repairs and do not have a total on the cost [of damage] yet.”