Recipe Cards available at Warrior Food Pantry
Get your kitchen utensils ready for CSU Stanislaus’s NOONtrition live cooking demonstration on February 24th through Zoom.
This month’s recipe features Pancit Noodles with fresh ingredients and recipe cards are available free of charge for students at the Warrior Food Pantry while supplies last.
The Basic Needs, Health Education and Promotion, and Housing & Residential Life have geared up for the Spring semester with new recipes that are easy and affordable time-saving meals and snacks for students on the go.
Alexa Aguirre Sanchez, CalFresh Coordinator for Stan State, mentioned the biggest change to the program is that, “We are transitioning into live food demos again … the 24th of this month is our last virtual session.”
Upcoming NOONtrition cooking dates in March, April, and May will return to live cooking demonstrations on campus, according to Sanchez.
Creative tips, meal planning ideas, and recipes are available as well on NOONtrition’s site to further help students maintain a healthy school, work, and home balance.
Sanchez carefully selects each recipe with students in mind and said, “A lot of our NOONtrition recipes are based from the CalFresh website and we always try to choose the ones with light ingredients, things that are easy and accessible for students and less time-consuming.”
Taylor Pilot (senior, Business Administration), the ASI Director of Athletics for the Women’s Basketball Intercollegiate Program at Stan State, had her own nutritional advice to impart.
“Some of my favorite nutritional snacks that fuel me between classes would be the P3 protein packs, applesauce, and raw almonds. The protein packs are a great way to get protein in and boost your energy,” she said.
Pilot says, “Through trial and error, I’ve learned the best way to maintain healthy nutrition is planning your meals and snacks ahead of time.”
Following a live demo lets you view each step and helps ensure your finished product looks like the final recipe, according to Pilot.
Sanchez mentions with the success of the NOONtrition program that there’s a new program that’s going to be called Harvest of the Month.
Harvest of the Month will help students shop for seasonal produce and sales through local outlets and resources such as farmer’s markets, according to Sanchez, and is expected to launch this Spring through a NOONtrition grant.
Sanchez is committed to bringing this information to our student body and encourages them to take advantage of as many resources on campus and online for healthy inspiration.
Sanchez adds that “Share the Love Week” is an event that will take place from February 20th to the 24th with Campus Cares Fair. On Wednesday, February 22nd, partners from the community and Stan State will have booths set up at the Quad promoting their services.
“My favorite go-to nutritious meal is chicken breast with pan-fried veggies and brown rice,” says Jazmine Cortes (senior, Criminal Justice).
Cortes adds, “I try my best to cook at home instead of eating out.”
NOONtrition promotes creative ways to help students achieve their healthy lifestyle goals with resources, events, and campus support.
Recipe cards and ingredients for this month’s cooking demo can be picked up in Turlock the Wednesday before the demo at the Warrior Food Pantry, Student Services Building, Room 128. They will also be available on the Stockton Campus the Thursday before the demo at the Warrior Food Pantry, Acacia Court Building, Room 1051.
If you have questions about the NOONtrition program or CalFresh, contact Alexa Aguirre Sanchez Cal Fresh Coordinator for Stan State in the Student Services Building 124 (209) 667-3088.