A banner that reads "EACH SEED REPRESENTS A CHILD MURDERED BY ISRAEL" and lists the names of minors who have died in the conflict. The banner is designed like a watermelon, which has become a pro-Palestinian symbol of support. (Signal Photo/Natalie Villanueva)
A group of students at CSU Stanislaus are advocating for the college to demonstrate its support of Palestinians in Gaza. Protestors demanded that efforts be executed by the University to show they care for the Palestinian students on campus.
“I want them to be straightforward. I want to see the University acknowledge that genocide is currently happening in Gaza. All they need to do is recognize what’s actually going on instead of holding a vigil weeks later,” said Anam Khan (Junior, Political Science).
Stan State’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program held a vigil on Thursday, November 9th from 6-7 pm in front of the main entrance of the Vasche Library Patio. This event was addressed as a Night of Remembrance by Candlelight.
“I wish that the school would say Israel and Palestine… not Israel and its occupied territories. It’s extremely disappointing,” said Isabel Jalileh Arrizano (Junior, Creative Media).
The Diversity Center sent out a mass email on the same day as the vigil, intending to reach out to students. Many felt as though this event and the message sent out to students were insensitive and communicated their concerns to the organizers.
“I was in contact with faculty about this vigil and told them that it was a slap in the face to our efforts,” said Sahar Fayaz (Senior, Psychology).
Protestors demanded that the university put out a statement of solidarity to its Palestinian students. They are calling on authorities to make a public stance and call for a ceasefire, along with the need to divest from companies that are involved in the manufacturing of military weapons.
“I am a Palestinian student on scholarship here at Stan and it makes me uncomfortable to see that my campus doesn’t even acknowledge me,” said Arrizano.
Warriors for the Palestinian Liberation have called to action on campus, organizing a variety of events during the last week of November.
“Students across the country are pushing for their college campuses to do so, whether that’s Harvard or a community college. All people in authority need to be held accountable and need to do what is right. We will hold our administrators accountable and we will not be silenced,” said Fayaz.
On Monday, November 27th sticky notes were put on the MSR building listing students’ demands and to call for a ceasefire. Students began sticking their notes at 10:30 am.
On Wednesday, November 29th students brought baby clothes, shoes, and toys to the great lawn in honor of the children of Gaza. Students showed up around 9:30 am with a variety of materials to represent the lives lost.
“It hits me in the heart. This has been going on longer than a lot of people are aware. I think it’s time people in the Central Valley, Modesto, and Turlock especially, we start to talk about it,” said Nicholas Sy (Senior, Psychology) as he stood in front of the display.
“As a university that promotes social justice and diversity, it’s disappointing to see how our administration does not take a stance to address the needs and safety of our students,” said Noreen Singh (Grad Student, MFT).
“I think everyone on campus will have the chance to broaden their worldview due to the issues that me and many of my peers are raising. We’re living through a major turning point in history and I’ve already seen so many people ask uncomfortable but much-needed questions that have made us all learn and grow. People are bonding and becoming more active in the community through education,” said Khan.