As spring break is fast approaching it is no surprise that schedules are occupied. Various Greek Organizations on campus have had a busy week. The week began with the Greek God Games hosted by the coed fraternity of Omega Nu Omega, part of the first ONO week for the fraternity.
The Greek God Games were composed of an obstacle course completed by teams of competitors participating in both physical and mental activities. Winners received a prize, and gift baskets were also being raffled during the week. The Greek God Games ended on Wednesday and a BBQ was held at the quad for the campus community to enjoy.
As the week continues, the gentlemen of Theta Chi will be celebrating their Founders Day on March 29. The event will be celebrating 159 years of excellence for the fraternity along with friends and family. The celebration will be held on campus in the quad area as members of the Eta Tau chapter will celebrate their founding day of April 10, 1856.
Stay tuned for more upcoming events held by the Greek Organizations on campus.