The University Police Department (UPD) kicked off the new year with a busy January that included approximately 290 foot and extra patrols on and around campus, according to The Student Right to Know Daily Incident Log.
On Jan.4 there was an alcohol-related offense that took place off campus where the persons were under the influence greater than the legal limit of .08 while operating a motor vehicle.
In the Village, there was an offense that involved over two ounces of marijuana and a possession of drug paraphernalia in Demergasso-Bava Hall. An incident involving a juvenile in the University Circle also took place on Jan.15.
This month, UPD has been involved in multiple incidents of vehicle violations. These violations included expired or revoked license, failure to stop at a stop sign and texting while operating a vehicle, with a total estimation of about 15 traffic stops/enforcements.
UPD also responded to nine Emergency Blue Light Phone hang ups, accompanied by three false alarms throughout campus. There were also orders to vacate the premise in the Child Development Center on Jan.5 and also in parking lot eight on Jan.31
With burglary and theft being somewhat of a trend this month, UPD reported a few cases of larceny theft. Jan.12 there was a reported larceny theft of auto parts/accessories valuing from $400 and over in parking lot five. Larceny theft took place again the next day in the Village involving bicycles valuing $400 and over. UPD also responded to a burglary taking place at the Student Recreation Center with forcible entry into or around the building.
Over the course of the month, UPD assisted the Turlock Police Department with approximately fifty off-campus incidents.
There was also an incident involving an injured person in the Theatre building. UPD responded to a non-injury accident that also took place in parking lot four.
It was also reported to the UPD that there were multiple cases of animal problems on various occasions throughout the month in the Village and parking lots three and four.
Over the course of January, there were eight reported incidents that included suspicious persons and seven different suspicious circumstances being reported as well.