After a local band forms, there are momentous events that happen to the band. The band writes their first song, plays their first show, and eventually, after a nice, long run, the band breaks up…or so we hope.
There are some bands that call it quits too early and still could have put out great music that people love (Fairwell Madison). There are other bands (which I will not directly name) that have been in the music scene for far too long and need to just cut it out.
The music scene has changed a lot over the years, and certain music just isn’t popular anymore. A few years ago, everyone was starting screamo or death-core bands because it was “cool.” But that was a few years ago and these bands have become very irrelevant. If you’re in a band who has two vocalists, one that only sings and the other that only screams, just cut it out.
Chasing one’s dreams is great and if someone wants to really pursue music, then they should go for it. But if you’re 25 years old, been in a band for 4 years, work part-time at the Vans store, and still open for local bands in Stockton, it’s time to cut it out.
Finally, there’s the bands that broke up and have now gotten back together under a different name. The members are the same, the music is the same, and they’re even using the same Facebook page! It’s the same band and you’re not fooling anyone (except for the 14 year old girls who are your only fans). Please, cut it out.
Bands, let’s not ruin the music scene anymore than it already is. Thanks for the music and memories, but it’s time for you to take your last bow.