Warrior: a person engaged or experienced in warfare; a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, and aggressiveness.
On Sunday, March 11, 38 students from California State University, Stanislaus earned their title. They traveled to Extreme Paintball, releasted their weapons, and shed some red—and blue, yellow, green, orange, and a little of every other color in the rainbow.
Though Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) has put on paintball trips in the past, never before have they had such a massive turnout. Nearly twice as many students as last year decided to go out and shoot at each other.
They dove into foxholes, hid out in forts, and watched their friends get splattered—all with smiles on their faces and adrenaline pumping through their veins, knowing that at any moment a stray paintball could end their life, at least for the round.
Students who attended were given a half-day of play, as well as all the rental equipment that they would need to wage war on one another. Once they had all their equipment, they then followed a small group of referees out onto the field, took their sides, and waited.
The second the horn sounded, students gathered all the memories they could from the last time they watched “Braveheart” and charged! Once they reached a barrier that seemed as if it might keep them alive, it was time to hold the fort down until either their team won or they were greeted with the sweet sting of war, an exploding paintball.
The battles raged on for three hours, leaving thousands of broken paintballs strewn over the field. Some were left victorious, some bruised and battered, but all happy to have seized the opportunity provided through ASI.
For information on future ASI events, make sure to check out www.csustan.edu/asi-usu or stop by and visit the Information Desk!