On March 9 California State University, Stanislaus Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Center for Excellence in Graduate Education is holding the 26th Annual Student Research Competition, offering cash prizes to the top entries as well as a chance to represent the school in Long Beach in May.
The competition allows students to conduct research in their fields and then present it for competition.
Students are eligible to win not only the prestige of being chosen to go to the California State University system-wide competition in Long Beach, but also compete for cash prizes up to $500.
“It’s a great opportunity for students who have completed research for a class and want experience in presenting that research with a chance to win some money,” said Heather Adams, Grants and Contracts Specialist and person running the event.
This contest is open to students of all majors, as long as their project is within the scope of their concentration.
Students will compete in one of three categories: Doctoral, Graduate, and Undergraduate. This set up allows for students to demonstrate the variety of studies being conducted on campus and to share it with the public while gaining critical experience in sharing their work.
“It was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is doing an extended paper, as it really pushes you to clarify your ideas so you can explain them to the judges,” said Kelly Olsson (senior, English) said.
Last year’s competition drew in projects from 26 students and featured winners from various departments including English, Biology, and Anthropology.
The deadline to apply is Friday Feb. 24, 2012 and those interested can find the registration form as well as more information on the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website at http://www.csustan.edu/orsp/SRC/ or in the Mary Stuart Rogers Building, room 250.