boys, it’s time to pull out your lightsabers and practice your force
push, because the Star Wars franchise is getting a reboot.
Oct. 30, the Walt Disney Company announced that it would purchased
Lucasfilms Ltd. from George Lucas for $4.05 billion, receiving the
rights to the Star Wars franchise.
seems to have to used some Jedi mind tricks to create a deal that ends
the George Lucas era of Lucasfilms, which began in 1977 with “Star Wars
Episode IV: A New Hope.”
reports they are currently planning the release of Episode VII in 2015
with Episode VIII and IX being released in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Disney also reports they plan to release new Star Wars films every two to three years following the release of Episode IX.
there may be some excitement from some Star Wars fans, as they are now
guaranteed to receive at least three more films within in the next seven
years, but they are not guaranteed to be great.
last three films of the series (Episodes I through III) were not
everyone’s favorites of the series, so who knows what the public will
get from these movies.
At least there shouldn’t be any Hayden Christiansen sightings (please God, let there be no Christiansen).
these films may not be as bad as longtime fan boys may expect. Disney
purchased Marvel Entertainment Inc. in 2010 and released “The Avengers”
with great success earlier this year.
boys shouldn’t fear the Disney-Lucasfilms merger, they should accept
the joining of forces. Disney was able to grab a star-studded cast for
“The Avengers” and put up big money to create a film with great action
and incredible CGI.
has the means to grab the best writers in the market and give the Star
Wars franchise the new, fresh look it needs, while still holding true to
the franchise.
lost his touch, as is noticed from the three prequels, so it was time
for him to pass the torch onto a new generation, a generation that grew
up as fans of the franchise.
The force is strong within this merger, so don’t fear, because fear leads to the darkside.