The Central Valley Association of Realtors is hosting the 10th Annual Musical Review, called “Bringing Them Home,” on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the State Theatre in Modesto. The concert will have a wide variety of music from local talents, so there will be something great for all age groups to hear.
The concert benefits the Community Housing and Shelter Services, which has been hit hard by the tough economy.
“The concert is critically important to the Community Housing and Shelter Services because they have lost a lot of money in grants and funding,” Fred Miller, a commercial associate broker with Coldwell Banker Vinson Chase said. “They had to move out of office suites and into motel rooms to work. They also lost Laura’s House, which was a home that housed battered women, due to lack of funding.”
The Community Housing and Shelter Services also provide emergency shelters for families with children.
Miller came up with the idea for the concert because he wanted to raise money for a housing-related issue. Miller believes that music is a universal language and wanted to promote local talent.
This year’s performers include Francesca Heyward, the 2011 winner of Valley’s Got Talent, who plays piano and sings opera and rock music. Soul Heart, an alternative/rock band from Oakdale, is expected to perform. Krista Joy Serpa, who played Maria in ‘The Sound of Music’ at the Gallo Center for the Arts, will also sing. Simply So, a group who sings 50’s doo-wop music, is a past favorite that is returning. Each act will perform three pieces.
“We have a well-rounded set of performers this year,” Miller said. “There is quite a variety.”
Miller hopes that the community will take notice to the growing problem within Stanislaus County and have it in their hearts to give back in any way that they can.
“As a realtor, I thought it fit into my service to the public to give to people who are in desperate need of housing or some kind of shelter,” Miller said. “I hope the concert promotes that realtors have an interest in giving back to the community that we live in. I hope it inspires other people to see that there is a need in our community, and brings attention to the Community Housing and Shelter Services.”
“Bringing Them Home” is the perfect place to give back to the community while enjoying great music. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased at the door, and all funds raised will be donated to the charity.