Courtesy of DonkeyHotey
Logos for the Republican and Democratic party
During a meeting with various local democratic representatives on Mar. 6, Congressman Jeff Denham has agreed to not repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without a replacement that would protect people with pre-existing conditions, as well as allow people to stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age of 26.
Congressman Denham is the United States House of Representatives member for California’s 10th congressional district, which includes Modesto, Tracy, Manteca, and Turlock.
Congressman Denham is seen as somewhat a controversial figure among democrats in the area due to his not defending Mexican immigrants from President Trump’s infamous comments, although his district has a demographic of roughly 40 percent Hispanic.
California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State) student Jason Serang (senior, Political Science), Stan State’s Democratic Club President, attended the meeting, as well as representatives from other democratic organizations around the area which included the North Valley Labor Federation and the Democratic Women’s Club.
The organizations discussed issues such as the Trump Administration, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
“We were allowed to ask him questions,” said Serang, “and through various tough questions we were able to have him commit to not repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement that would protect people with pre-existing conditions as well as allow youth to stay in their parent’s health care until the age of twenty six.”
Serang also explains that the group asked Congressman Denham why he voted to not require President Trump to release his tax returns, to which Congressman Denham responded that it was attached to a larger bill that he wanted to get passed.
Serang explains that he followed up and asked Congressman Denham “if a Trump Tax Return bill was alone, if we would vote for it, and he confirmed that he would, which was a little surprising.”
“I thanked him for sponsoring the Enlist Act and his standing against his party’s attempt to delegitimize DACA, and he expressed to me that he was glad that although we don’t agree on everything, we have the mutual respect to sit down and find common ground,” Serang said. “Overall, I appreciate that he took the time to speak with his constituents who he knew going in did not agree with him.”