Melissa Dickman (senior, Liberal Studies), left, and Paula Padilla (senior, Liberal Studies), right, discussing what they wish they would have known as freshmen. (Signal Photo/Tatiana Olivera)
California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State), is getting ready to welcome a new group of students who will enter the campus and begin their journey as a Warrior. However, with incoming students there are also students who are leaving Stan State and going forward in life.
Seniors are now looking back on their time at Stan State. One thing that many of them will have to say is, “I wish I knew about this when I was a freshman.”
Here are some tips for students who are entering their first year of college from students who will soon be alumni of Stan State.
Nina Dhanota (graduate, Social Work) is one of the students who has offered some advice for incoming freshmen students.
“Don’t get too comfortable with the flexibility of the schedule. That way you won’t fall off track,” Dhanota suggested.
Jenni Constable (senior, English) gave three pieces of advice for incoming students.
“My first piece of advice is get a planner. You are going to need one! Second, get to know your professors. They want to help you, but on the flip side know when to be compliant. Sometimes you should do what the teacher wants. Know when to choose your battles. Last, reading everything you’ve been assigned is possible,” Constable said.
School work can also tend to become too much. Jasmine Dhadda (senior, Sociology) reminds us that getting away from the books and taking care of yourself is more important.
“Find time to work out. It does not have to be at a gym; you can just go for a run or a walk,” Dhadda said.
Resources for incoming freshmen include: library, computer lab, tutoring center, academic advising, student success center (business majors only), evaluators, Educational Opportunity Program, professors and upperclassmen.
Do not hesitate to talk to anyone if you need help with anything. Everyone listed is willing to help you and wants you to succeed during your time as a Warrior.
Enjoy your time at Stan State; it’ll be over before you know it.
“It does go by extremely fast. It is hard to believe that I am already going to graduate,” Dhadda added.