Illustration by Margaret Lunt.
It is the start of a new academic semester at California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State), and with that, there is an expression for incoming college freshmen called the “Freshman 15.”
Freshman 15 is an expression people use to say that a student is going to gain at least fifteen pounds at the start of their academic career.
According to a study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, they found out that students gained on average three pounds throughout the semester, and that fifty percent of the students surveyed gained weight.
Rebecca T. Esquivez (freshman, Nursing) believes that freshmen are affected because of the new liberties they have.
“I think freshmen are affected because of the change from high school to college. In college you’re on your own and there’s not a certain time for lunch. TThat’s on you,” Esquivez says. “You can choose to eat, you can choose to skip breakfast, skip lunch, and you just have dinner, or snacking all day. You come up with your schedule”.
The other major reason why a student might gain weight is because of stress.
Health Educator Taylor Whitehad explains, “Within the last 12 months, 29.4% of Stan State students reported stress as the number one factor affecting their individual academic performance.”
However, there are ways to counteract the “Freshman 15” weight gain and lead a healthy lifestyle.
In an article written by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, they give eight ways to prevent gaining weight which include: not drinking calories, not skipping breakfast, and stocking up on smart snacks.
Tanya Rios (junior, Psychology) has more added simple tips that any student can start doing if they want to balance their weight.
“Try to stay active everyday; it could be small like walking or using a Fitbit,” says Rios.
Whitehead recommends various campus resources that students should use if they need help managing their weight.
Specifically, Whitehead suggests, “Students should utilize these resources such as the Student Health Center, Campus Recreation, and Psychological Counseling Services.”