White Supremacy flyer
(Photo Courtesy of Christian Stallworth)
Last fall was an uncomfortable time for students when flyers promoting a local white supremacy group surfaced. The same feelings sparked up this week, when flyers were spotted again around campus.
These flyers are promoting the white supremacy group Identity Evropa, that was founded by Stan State student Nathan Damigo. Damigo made headlines, last October when he made national news being caught on television punching a counter protester during a protest at UC Berkley.
The flyers were taken down as soon as the University police was made aware of them. Vice President for Student affairs, Dr Suzanne Espinoza, released a statement via email to the campus.
“The sentiments represented by the flyers do not reflect the university’s values and commitment to a diverse and inclusive environment,”said Espinoza.
The University Police Department is quick to respond when they receive calls about flyers that are not compliant with the university regulations.
Clint Strode (Lieutenant, UPD) tells about what UPD once they get a call about such flyers.
“From time to time we get calls about postings around the campus. When we do an officer will go check to make sure the posting is compliant with the campus posting policy,” Lieutenant Strode said.
Along with the UPD and the Vice President of student affairs, Stan State President Ellen Junn, released a statement in response to the flyers.
“The presence of the materials may be alarming to the campus community, we want to reiterate that the meaning and sentiments represented do not reflect Stan states values supporting diversity and inclusion,” said President Junn.
President Junn also reiterated that campus is dedicated to keeping student’s safe and giving them an inclusive environment.
“We have taken proactive actions to counteract these challenging messages in several ways” Said Junn.
“We have brought together a “no hate at Stan State” task force that is comprised of students, faculty and staff and students have created a new campaign slogan ‘we Stand Together for Unity and Inclusion,’” Junn said.
Along with President Junn the UPD stands with the campus to promote the values.
“The university Police Department supports President Junn’s statements and will continue to support Stan States Values of diversity and inclusion,” said Lieutenant Strode.
In addition to President Junn, the Stan State UPD, and the VP of student affairs, Students for Quality Education (SQE) are taking a stance against flyers like the ones that were posted, according to SQE member Daniel Solorio (senior, Psychology)
“SQE has started a campaign to counter the spread of such ideologies,” said Soloiro.
SQE has brought this issue up to people such as congressional candidates.
“Together with the progressive alliance on campus we have been able to reach out to school officials demanding the permanent ban of such ideologies on campus. We have also had the opportunity to bring theses issues to the congressional candidates for district 10 to raise awareness,” Soloiro said.
If any student feels emotionally distressed by these flyers please contact the Student Health center, psychological counseling services, and/or the StanCares team.